Tuesday, 28 February 2012

It's official - we are too popular!

Apparently the book shop has run out of course guides for ATS 1316.

Fear not! More have been ordered, and the readings for next week can all be accessed online.

You should prepare the essential readings labelled "Week 2" (in the Unit Guide, or in your purple book) for next Monday. These are:
  1. The Benedictine Rule (http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/source/rul-benedict.asp)
  2. A Chapter in the book called "Medieval Worlds" by Moran Cruz and Gerberding entitled "The Early Medieval Church and the West, 500-800". (Available as a digital copy by following the relevant links on the Library Readings List to be found on the right hand panel.)

The Week 2 tute blog will go up tomorrow morning.

Thanks everyone!


medievaleurope said...

testing the comment system...

medievaleurope said...

Eureka! It works!