- The task is described in the Unit Guide
- It is worth 15%
- The word limit is 800 words
- The assignment should be submitted online via Blackboard
- find Blackboard via the my.monash link to the right
- AND please hand in a hard copy to me in week 6 tutorials
[Update: here is the link to information about formatting
I'm kind of confused as to how to structure this. Is it meant to be a full blown essay just summarising the article or? :)
Hi Alanah,
When in doubt a basic essay structure is a safe bet. You are presenting your own summary of Davis' argument. It could fit an essay format by having an introduction stating what you thought the article was about, and a paragraph for each theme, or section of the argument you choose to summarise. (And I always think a conclusion to wrap it up nicely makes for a good sense of closure!)
quick question
you said we didnt have to cite or reference and should put everything in our own words...
However if we want to use statements like 'economy of no outlets' or 'servile manses' should we put them in quotation marks (like above) or is that not necessary?
Thanks :)
Hi Gen
If you want to use something like 'economy of no outlets' as a key phrase to define, quotation marks like you've used are fine; but you should say what you think this means, not just rely on Davis'/Pirenne's words. Use sparingly.
ok, sounds good :)
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